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来源: 日期:2021-01-26 发布人: 浏览次数:116次
1、空间大、重量轻、体积小: 轻钢结构与钢筋混凝土以及砖混比较,自重减轻15-30倍,体积减少2-5倍。 利用钢材强度高的特点,设计可采用大开间布置,使建筑平面能够合理分隔,灵活方便,创造开放式建筑。
1. Large space, light weight and small volume: compared with reinforced concrete and brick concrete, light steel structure can reduce weight by 15-30 times and volume by 2-5 times. Using the characteristics of high steel strength, the design can adopt large bay layout, so that the building plane can be reasonably separated, flexible and convenient, creating an open building.
2、综合成本较低: 钢材的稳定的供给造成价格的波动很小。使用薄壁轻钢结构的墙面可以保持出色的平面。这也意味着当你在钉钉子的时候墙面不会反弹和收缩破裂。因为材料可以预先切到需要的长度,所以在很大的程度上降低了浪费。
2. The comprehensive cost is low: the stable supply of steel causes little price fluctuation. The use of thin-walled light steel structure of the wall can maintain excellent plane. It also means that when you're driving nails, the wall won't bounce and shrink and crack. Because the material can be cut to the required length in advance, the waste is greatly reduced.

5、安全性能好、抗震和防暴风雨: 由于钢结构与传统的混凝土结构相比较,钢结构属于柔性结构,具有重量轻、强度高、抗震性能好等优点。因而能有效地降低地震响应及灾害影响程度,极有利于抗震。
5. Good safety performance, earthquake resistance and storm proof: compared with the traditional concrete structure, steel structure is a flexible structure with the advantages of light weight, high strength and good seismic performance. Therefore, it can effectively reduce the earthquake response and the degree of disaster impact, which is very conducive to earthquake resistance.
6、隔热保温系统,性能优异,节省能源: 轻型钢结构住宅使用外隔热方法。该方法利用薄壁轻钢结构特有的性质,骨架用薄塑隔热防潮材料从外部紧紧地全部覆盖,再加以隔热材料,隔热材料之外设有空气层,空气层之外根据客户对建筑物外墙要求,可使用各种材料作各种外墙处理。
6. Heat insulation system, excellent performance, energy saving: light steel residential use of external heat insulation method. This method uses the unique properties of thin-walled light steel structure. The skeleton is tightly covered with thin plastic heat insulation and moisture-proof material from the outside, and then the heat insulation material is added. Outside the heat insulation material, there is an air layer. Outside the air layer, according to the requirements of customers for the external walls of buildings, various materials can be used for various external wall treatments.
The external heat insulation method does not need heat insulation treatment inside the framework, but can be directly used for internal wall treatment inside. So as to ensure that the thin-walled light steel structure is warm in winter and cool in summer. When the outdoor temperature is 0 degrees, the indoor temperature can maintain 17.2 degrees, and the indoor temperature is warm in winter and cool in summer
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